- American Dreamer STEM Academy
- ADSA Student Expectations
Magnet School Compact
American Dreamer STEM Academy is one of three magnet schools in District #61. As part of the magnet school program, families who are awarded a seat are required to sign a magnet compact when registering. This signature acknowledges that families understand that if the Student Code of Conduct is violated, consequences will range from: parent contact through magnet status revocation, with the student returning to their home attendance center.
The responsibilities listed below are included in the Magnet School Compact, including responsibilities agreed to by School Staff. Parents/guardians will be asked to sign the compact when registering their students for the upcoming school year.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
As a PARENT/GUARDIAN, I agree to carry out these responsibilities:
I will ensure my student attends every school day, arriving on time with homework completed. I will call the school when my student is absent.
I will support the school’s discipline policy. Any violation of the Decatur Public Schools Student Code of Conduct may result in probation or possible immediate removal from the magnet program. Such action will result in students returning to their neighborhood school (www.dps61.org/boundarylookup). Students who are assigned to an alternative setting will not be allowed to return to a magnet school.
I will ensure my student is dressed appropriately for school, in accordance with the school’s dress code and/or uniform policy.
I will read school notices and check student work daily.
I will support school activities by volunteering at a minimum of one event per school year, including but not limited to field trips, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), curriculum showcase events, extra-curricular activities/events.
I will attend parent-teacher conferences.
I will monitor how my student is doing in school by communicating with teachers and checking grades online.
I will interact respectfully with school administrators, staff, students, and families.
I will return progress reports and any other school-to-parent communication in a timely manner.
Student Responsibilities
As a STUDENT, I understand my education is important. I agree to carry out these responsibilities:
I will come to school daily, on time, ready to learn, and with all necessary supplies each day.
I will complete quality class work and homework daily.
I will participate in all classroom activities.
I will dress in accordance with the school dress code and/or uniform policy.
I will listen to daily announcements and share school communication with my parents/guardians.
I will adhere to the school discipline policy.
I will regularly check my grades online and talk to my parents/guardians and teachers about my progress in school.
I will respect myself and take pride in my school.
I will respect and cooperate with students, staff, and parents/guardians ,and ask for help when I need it.
School Staff Member Responsibilities
As a SCHOOL STAFF MEMBER, we agree to carry out these responsibilities:
We will provide a safe, caring ,and positive learning environment for all students.
We will provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
We will provide clear expectations and procedures to students, parents/guardians, and other staff.
We will meet the individual academic needs of all of our students.
We will promote student decision making, self-confidence, and responsibility.
We will seek cooperation from parents/guardians to work as partners for student success.
We will contact student parents/guardians when problems arise and schedule a meeting.
We will provide parents/guardians with opportunities to volunteer and participate in their student’s education.
We will interact respectfully with students, families, and staff.