• In the event of an early release or inclement weather event, DPS leadership has worked with union leadership to develop the staff expectations you see below. Please reach out to your building administrator or direct supervisor if you have specific questions. To view the full chart, click here.




    DEFINITION School is dismissed after five clock hours of instruction. School is canceled for students after one hour of instruction. School is canceled for students before the start of the school day and an e-learning day is declared. School day does not need to be made up at end of school year. School is canceled for students before the start of the school day. An emergency day will be used at the end of the school year to make up the snow day. School day will be made up at end of school year.
    Administrators & Building Administrators Remain at work for the remainder of the workday. Remain at work for the remainder of the workday. This is a workday with the option to work from home, maintaining regular office hours.   This is a workday with the option to work from home, maintaining regular office hours. Administrators may use available benefit day (personal or vacation).
    Administrative Support Remain at work for the remainder of the workday. With the approval of their supervisor(s), may use accrued vacation or personal days if unable to remain at work. Remain at work for the remainder of the workday. With the approval of their supervisor(s), may use accrued vacation or personal days if unable to remain at work. This is a workday with the option to work from home, maintaining regular office hours.  With the approval of their supervisor, the employee may use accrued personal or vacation days if unable to come to work. This is a workday with the option to work from home, maintaining regular office hours. Administrators may use available benefit day (personal or vacation).

    Certified Staff (DEA) & Long Term Subs (Contact HR Dept)

    Remain at work for 15 minutes after the students’ instructional day has ended. Remain at work for 15 minutes after the students’ instructional day has ended.

    Work from home and hold office hours from 10:00am-12:00pm to answer questions, emails, communicate with administration, and parents. 

    School is canceled for teaching staff. An emergency day at the end of the year will be used to make up the school day.
    Clerical (DESPA) Remain at work for the remainder of the work day. May use accrued vacation, personal or sick time to receive pay for the remainder of the day, or take the remainder of the day without pay, at the employee’s option. Remain at work for the remainder of the work day. May use accrued vacation, personal or sick time to receive pay for the remainder of the day, or take the remainder of the day without pay, at the employee’s option. This is a workday with the option to work from home, maintaining regular office hours.  May use accrued vacation, personal or sick time at the employee’s option or take the day off without pay. This is a workday with the option to work from home, maintaining regular office hours.  May use accrued vacation, personal or sick time at the employee’s option, or take the day off without pay.
    Custodial (SEIU "A" Team) Remain at work for the remainder of the day. If unable to do so, accrued vacation or personal time may be used in order to be paid for the remainder of the workday. Remain at work for the remainder of the day. If unable to do so, accrued vacation or personal time may be used in order to be paid for the remainder of the workday. This constitutes a workday. If unable to attend, the employee may use available vacation or personal time in order to be paid. This constitutes a workday. If unable to attend, the employee may use available vacation or personal time in order to be paid.
    Maintenance (SEIU "B" Team) Remain at work for the remainder of the day. If unable to do so, accrued vacation or personal time may be used in order to be paid for the remainder of the workday. Remain at work for the remainder of the day. If unable to do so, accrued vacation or personal time may be used in order to be paid for the remainder of the workday. This constitutes a workday. If unable to attend, the employee may use available vacation or personal time in order to be paid. This constitutes a workday. If unable to attend, the employee may use available vacation or personal time in order to be paid.
    Teaching Assistants (DFTA) Employees work with their principals to see if their assistance is needed. For any hours not worked, they may submit sick time accrued in this pay period. Employees work with their principals to see if their assistance is needed. For any hours not worked, they may submit sick time accrued in this pay period. Work from home on professional development activities per the choice board.   School is canceled for teaching assistants. An emergency day at the end of the year will be used to make up the school day.
    Teamsters Remain at work for the remainder of the day. If unable to do so, accrued vacation or personal time may be used in order to be paid for the remainder of the workday. Remain at work for the remainder of the day. If unable to do so, accrued vacation or personal time may be used in order to be paid for the remainder of the workday. This constitutes a workday. If unable to attend, the employee may use available vacation or personal time in order to be paid. This constitutes a workday. If unable to attend, the employee may use available vacation or personal time in order to be paid.
    Security Guards (SEIU "C" Team) Remain at work for at least ten minutes after the students’ instructional day has ended. Remain at work for at least ten minutes after the students’ instructional day has ended. Do not report to work. Employees will be paid per 105 ILCS 5/10-20.56. School is canceled for security staff. An emergency day at the end of the year will be used to make up the school day.
    Non-Contractual Hourly/Daily Employees Employees work with their principals to see if their assistance is needed. Employees work with their principals to see if their assistance is needed. Do not report to work. Employees will be paid per 105 ILCS 5/10-20.56. School is canceled for hourly employees. An emergency day at the end of the year will be used to make up the school day.

    Updated December 2024

E-Learning in Lieu of Emergency Days

  • On Tuesday, August 29, 2023, the Decatur Public Schools Board of Education renewed the District's e-Learning plan for three school years: 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26. Essentially, on any day that is called a snow day, the District could instead shift to e-Learning for that day and will then not have to make up the snow day at the end of the school year. Per Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) guidelines, as with previous emergency days, only five (5) of these days can be used during a school year; any emergency days beyond that will simply result in a canceled school day.

    Click here to view the e-Learning Plan. While e-learning is an option for DPS to utilize through the 2025-26 school year in lieu of emergency days, the decision to do an e-learning day or a snow day will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Families and staff will be given ample notification in which to prepare for e-learning days. To read more about e-Learning follow this link.

    Leadership from Decatur Public Schools, the Decatur Education Association (DEA), and the Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants (DFTA) reached the below joint agreement about expectations for both teachers and teaching assistants in regard to e-learning days in lieu of emergency days.

    • DEA members will work from home and will hold office hours from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to answer questions, emails, communicate with administration and parents. 
    • DFTA members will work from home and participate in professional development activities each E-Learning Day. Once the activity is completed from the choice board, the Teaching Assistant needs to complete the form for evidence of completion.